Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Zuckerberg Resolves to Invent, Encourages Girls to Invent Too

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg's 2016 resolution to challenge himself outside his work is to build a simple artificial intelligence assistant to run his home and help him do a better job juggling his business responsibilities.
Zuckerberg first will explore the available technology, then train it to understand his voice to control everything in his home.
At work, the AI will allow him to visualize data in virtual reality to help him build better services and lead his organizations more effectively.

"It's a different kind of rewarding to build things yourself, so my personal challenge is to do that," Zuckerberg said.

The Masses React

Zuckerberg's announcement drew responses from a crowd of people marketing their products, along with some who offered observations ranging from wise to wacky.

Women in STEM

The Obama administration considers supporting women in STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) an essential part of America's competitive strategy.

The United States Office of Science and Technology Policy is working with the White House Council on Women and Girls to increase the participation of women, girls, and other underrepresented groups in STEM.
However, the number of women in physics, engineering and computer science is low globally, according to Women in Global Science & Technology, and it's declining in several leading countries -- including the U.S.
In countries where the number of women studying science and technology has increased, it has not followed that more women have been employed in those fields.

The Zuckerberg Factor

There are lots of sports role models, but fewer good nerd role models, especially female role models. Schools could then move beyond that to transform the idea that innovating and creating technology is not just a nerd thing, or that being a nerd is a very positive thing.
Zuckerberg should promote the idea of girls becoming nerds jointly with his COO, Sheryl Sandberg, who wrote the book Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead, Rudd suggested.

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